Renowned Ethiopian artist Afewerk Tekle presented a lecture on the state of art in his native Ethiopia to the Library of Congress in USA in 2009. For captions, transcript, and more information on the talk click here
Afewerk Tekle was one of Ethiopia's most celebrated artists know for his great paintings notably for his stained glass paintings. He died aged 80 in April 2012.
In 1947 Tekle was sent to England to become a mining engineer, discovered his talents and went onto study art at the Central School of Arts and Crafts in London and later went to the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of London.
Below are just some examples of his notable work;
“The Total Liberation of Africa, In the African Hall
"Demera" Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
"African Heritage" Keep at the National Museum Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Meskal Flower
Ethiopian Airlines used the work of Tekle in their 2013 Calender, these can be viewed in the gallery on the left.
Maitre Artist Afework Tekle (1932 – 2012)